She stood in the storm. And when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.


What does a girl who works long days, bikes and lifts long on her days off and has very little time off do for fun? Why I am so happy you asked! She decides she wants to take more photos and post more stories, rantings and thoughts of course. As I love to say… what could go wrong??

When I became severely allergic to wheat as a professional pastry chef I was certainly concerned what my future would look like but I was also concerned about how I was ever going to be creative again. I loved crafting bread and decorating wedding cakes. I thought nothing would ever allow me that creativity again. Thankfully my friend T gently pushed me to do this site and I am so excited to see where it leads !

I am an obsessive cat parent aka Tall Lady of a fine feline who rides bikes. She loves the trainer but not before 3am. Check her out on the socials at #gnuridesbikes.

I’ve raced 5k to ironman to ultra marathons to 36 hour bikes and I have to say….… I LOVE riding my bike for crazy long hours. I love the training, the stress, the highs and lows, the places it has taken me in life and the people I have met because of it.

2022 I only have 1 goal. 501 miles. If I do not make the 501 in the 36 hour cut off I will be riding until I do. My crew and I have dubbed it the 500 Project.

With the gentle encouragement of Taryn Spates and the constant reminders from the bff that the time is NOW I have decided to keep my work in one spot. While I have not blogged a lot in the past I am hoping that a photographic blog may make up for my lack of words on the regular. Join me while I photograph, bike, write and pet all the fine felines through this thing we call life.


Washington Island 2020

My first attempt at 36 hour with the amazing Taryn Spates and Mary Knott as crew. Filmed by Taryn Spates.


Lots of Mary Knott. Just in case you are not ready to see and hear her.


Mammoth Endurance- Washington Island 36 Hour

Craig Braun: Very happy to finally capture the Washington Island Ultra on film. Our good friends from Creative Revolver came to the island and did a wonderful job showing what it’s like.

Laid back, beautiful, family, hard work are a few words that come to mind.